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Can God Use Me?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

The story of Gideon is found in Judges 6-8 and is one of my favorites, partly because we see that God can use ordinary, even fearful, people to accomplish great things when they are obedient to Him, and partly because we see that God is not offended when we have open and honest conversation with Him. Gideon did not hesitate to question God, or to ask Him for reassurance before setting out to accomplish his next assignment. Gideon was real with God, and God was okay with that.

Just as He had done with Moses, God gave Gideon a task which was far beyond his ability and experience. When Gideon questioned God’s decision to use him, God replied, "I will be with you…" In other words, he could act as if he had experience because God would provide the knowledge, he would have strength because God would provide the power, he would have victory because God would provide the victory! And the same is true for us today.

All through this story Gideon’s feelings of inadequacy are exposed, but to his great honor, he continued to pursue every task God placed before him. He maintained constant communication with God and stopped to worship Him all along the way. Once he built an alter and called it "The Lord is Peace." On another occasion, he tore down an alter of Baal, built an alter to the True and Living God, and sacrificed a bull on it. Another time, just before a great battle, God went out of His way to encourage Gideon, and we are told that Gideon worshipped God there. So encouraged was he, because of the time he had spent with God, that he went and immediately gathered his troops, attacked the enemy, and won the battle.

Gideon did not feel he had much to offer God, yet we see that this unlikely hero became a mighty warrior because he trusted the Lord, and God was faithful. Everything God promised Gideon, He fulfilled. And as Gideon and God fellowshipped together, Gideon was transformed from a weakling who questioned God’s wisdom and needed constant reassurance, to a man who followed God’s command enthusiastically, with full assurance, and without questions.

So it is with us. We may think we have nothing to offer. No experience, no confidence, no enthusiasm. But God is loving and faithful (Psalm 25:10, Psalm 37:28). Because He already knows our thoughts and even the motives behind them (1 Chronicles 28:9), we can be open and honest with Him, telling Him our fears and concerns, and asking for reassurance when we need it. Then we, like Gideon, will see our faith strengthened. And when our faith has been strengthened, we will be able to respond immediately and enthusiastically to His command.

Can you be used? Yes, indeed. No experience necessary!

© Tammie 2005

Posted by Tammie at 10:37 PM

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